The machinery noise kept getting louder and louder as I approached the empty field at the end of the road.  The farmer had already made the first cut of the season a few days ago.   Now, he was baling the tall grass for winter feeding of his cattle.  There is something about the sweet fragrant of newly cut grasses that make me pause and breathe the aroma with pleasure.


18 thoughts on “Baling the first cut of the season

  1. What a treat to see through your eyes this field. I understand you took it as your next sketch because it is spacious, full colour and there is something happening, which you have caught in action. Very well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Brings back memories of hot days in the sun, stacking hay on a wagon and then again in the loft. Hard work, but it does smell so fresh and good! Wonderful sketch.


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