

Exotic colors

Gracing my kitchen window

with sweet aroma

Today’s icy cold morning walk did not give me inspiration to collect objects of nature to paint for my journal so I decided to add some haiku lines to my recent painting of the orchid living in my house.  Sitting on my large kitchen window sill facing west is an orchid plant given to me from my lovely sister-in-law, Shirley.  It’s in a happy spot as it soaks up the rays during bright cloudy days or sunny days along with our very cold dark nights during the winter.  Its botanical name is cymbidium and grows in the Himalayas, a climate similar to the U.S. Pacific Coast.  The large plant has long grass type leaves and wavy thin air roots.  Best of all it has a strong exotic fragrance which I think might be unusual for an orchid.

It bloomed for the first time since being adopted into our house; a celebration indeed!  The blossoms have been open for several weeks now so I thought it best to paint it before they wilt and drop off the long stem.

Thank you, Shirley, your plant lives on in memory of you.




6 thoughts on “An Exotic Orchid

  1. $500*? That is unreal! My sister in law probably received the orchid as a gift or purchased it a local nursery. Most orchids can be purchased in local nurseries, Trader Joes, markets and even Home Depot for less than $30. Maybe the variety sold at E.A. is a very rare species. There are thousands of different species from all over the world and that includes wild ones growing in the U.S. forest and grasslands


  2. Cymbidium… a fun word to say. Your post prompted me to google this variety also known as the boat orchid – I discovered. I noticed an ad on the Google search page and it appears that Ethan Allen has a fresh orchid arrangement for sale similar to your sketch. $500.65. I don’t know if that includes shipping but it seems you are getting your money’s worth from Shirley’s gift. I think the layout of the calligraphy works well. Thanks for sharing it with us!


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